Parramatta Building Inspections & Parramatta
Pest Inspections.
Buying a property in Parramatta or having Building Inspection in the Parramatta region can be both hard and exciting. We will also help you understand the risks of any defects that are found in your home inspection service.
A Pest and building inspection provides peace of mind that you are investing into the right property.
Our Building and Pest Inspectors have local knowledge and have extensive industry experience we can make sure your next purchase is done with complete confidence. We wont you to buy you next property with all the understanding of any termites or building inspection faults.
Inspection Services
We can fulfill all of your inspection needs for Pre-Purchase Inspection Reports, we can do Termite Reports, Swimming Pool Inspections, Asbestos Inspection, Mould Inspection, and much more.
View our Inspection Prices Here
A Combined Building and Pest Inspection is our most recommended service and is the best way to uncover any major defects as well as locate any timber pests and or live termite activity
- Get peace of mind from knowledgeable pest and building inspectors that has first class experience in inspecting properties in your local area.
- Get professional Photos with every inspection so you can see what needs repair or replacing.
We are a fully licensed and insured, pre purchase pest and building inspection company and we won’t to give you the buyer confidence and peace of mind in your first or new home purchasing decision.
- All Interior of the property
- All Exterior of The Property
- Subfloor or basement areas under floors.
- The interior of the Roof void.
- Exterior of roof-void we check for cracking and much more.
- Retaining walls, fencing, steps, driveways and pathways, landscaping,
- Garages, carport, pergola, awning.
- And much more
After most inspections, you can receive the report in 24 to 48 Hours we can also offer same day Verbal Building and Pest Inspections to Parramatta and the local areas we can then provide reports via email to both you and your Solicitor/Conveyancer.
Still Not sure If you need an Inspection
For New Home buyers, we recommend you take a look at our information on WHY YOU NEED A BUILDING AND PEST INSPECTION
To arrange a Building and Pest Inspection for a property in Parramatta, call Sydney Pest AND Building Inspections, see our building and pest inspection cost on our booking page.
Phone: 1300 465 494 Or book your Parramatta Building and Pest Inspection service online.
Remember, reports can be delivered within 24 to 48 hours of inspection.
What We Give You
An easy to understand and a affordable Pre-Purchase Building and Pest Inspections Easy to read reports within 24 to 48 hours A call to discuss the findings with the inspector.
We give you all the right advice in Termite Control
Any structure can be attacked by Timber Pests. Periodic maintenance should include measures to minimize possibilities of infestation in and around a property. Factors which may lead to infestation from Timber Pests include situations where the edge of the concrete slab is covered by soil or garden debris, filled areas, areas with less than 400mm clearance, foam insulation at foundations, earth/wood contact, damp areas, leaking pipes, etc; form work timbers, scrap timber, tree stumps, mulch, tree branches touching the structure, wood rot, etc.
Gardens, pathways or turf abutting or concealing the edge of a concrete slab will allow for concealed entry by timber pests. Any timber in contact with soil such as form work, scrap timbers or stumps must be removed from under and around the buildings and any leaks repaired. You should endeavor to ensure such conditions DO NOT occur around your property. We further advise that you engage a professional pest control firm to provide a termite management program in accord with AS 3660 to minimize the risk of termite attack.
We give you all the right advice on Building Faults
Water leaks: Water leaks, especially in or into the sub-floor or against the external walls, increases the likelihood of termite attack. Leaking showers or leaks from other ‘wet areas’ also increase the likelihood of concealed termite attack. Leaking Roofs Caused by decayed roof tiles,Hot water overflows should be plumbed away from the building. Water sitting in these areas for long periods of time may affect the structure of the property and attract termites. Poor drainage, especially in the subfloor, greatly increases the likelihood of wood decay and termite attack. Where drainage is considered inadequate a plumber, landscaper or other building expert must be consulted.
High Risk: All subfloor’s should remain clean and dry at all times remove any old timbers and always have good ventilation Recommend to have good drainage to prevent any movement mould or decay. High moisture readings can be caused by any one of the following: poor ventilation, ineffective drainage, leaking pipes, leaking roofs, defective flashing or by concealed termite activity. The areas of high moisture should be investigated by way of an invasive inspection.
If high moisture was reported then you must have a building expert investigate the moisture and its cause and determine the full extent of damage and the estimated cost of repairs prior to purchase of any property.
Any, water sitting for long periods of time could attract termites cause mortar decay cracking and weaken the foundation and structure recommend repair to prevent any cracking and movement.
Phone: 1300 465 494 Or book your parramatta Building and Pest Inspection service online. See some Faults
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