Our Pest Building Inspections Reports are affordable rates, Identifying minor or major defects before you buy a property or sign a contract can translate into a reduced selling price and savings for you.
It can also uncover defects at the sellers cost. Of course, there is a limit to what any inspector can uncover because home inspections are visual investigations and destructive probing is not the standard of practice in the industry. However, there may be times when destructive probing may be recommended by an inspector and this must be undertaken with the seller’s approval.
The purpose of a pre-purchase home inspection is to reduce risk to the buyer, the visual inspection can not eliminate all risk.
What should you also be looking for when you fist look a your potential property?
Signs of trouble
When you drive up, look carefully at the house from the street
- A sagging roof may need to be replaced. New roofs run $6,000 to $8,000 or more, depending on the roof size.
- A crack that is at the top of a building is a clue that one part of the house is staying still while another is pulling away a crack that is through the brick work can be a sign that the house is shifting or sinking.
- A section of failing foundation might require some underpinning of steel posts sunk into concrete piers and moved back into place to lift the foundations.
Others areas of concern
When inspecting a home to buy use your nose.
If you encounter mouldy or bad smells, ask the agent or owner about its origin. Check walls and ceilings — particularly under bathrooms and kitchens sinks for water stains, mould and bad smells. Check for signs of repairs or repair work by holding your flashlight parallel to the wall or ceiling.
Any water or bad smells can lead to you spending more in the long run water sitting in foundations may cause Structural Defects so check all areas.
For Friendly service and FREE Advice contact Us on 1300 465 494

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